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Update underway

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This weekend (8.-9.2.2025) I will rollout the next update for the OFDb, which will take some more time than before. Since content and entity migration is necessary, the process is somewhat more complicated.

Because I’m not sure how long it will actually take, the page stays online during the weekend. While the back-end is already up-to-date, on the front-end part you might see some hiccups like fields that are not correctly displayed in that time.

“Credited as” field added

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You can now specify if a person was credited under a different name than their “official” stage name. To do so, simply use the newly created “Credited as” field when adding cast members.

Consult the Wiki for more info.

New fields added: Height and Tagline

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Two new fields have been added to the OFDb: Height for the Person content type and Tagline for the TV show and Movie content types.

The first field is simply the height of a person in centimeters, and the tagline is a short text for marketing purposes frequently used in the entertainment industry.

Consult the Wiki to find out more about each field: