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Drupal theme version 2.0.0 is live

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The announced update taking place over the weekend has been implemented. The main changes are:

  • Blog and wiki migrated from WordPress and DokuWiki to the OFDb Drupal installation. The motivation to do this was mostly to maintain a single system instead of three separate ones.
  • How to add cast members was reworked to offer more flexibility.
  • In various places the TV show is now displayed instead of single episodes (e.g. in the filmography of an actor). Displaying less but more… » read more

Update underway

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This weekend (8.-9.2.2025) I will rollout the next update for the OFDb, which will take some more time than before. Since content and entity migration is necessary, the process is somewhat more complicated.

Because I’m not sure how long it will actually take, the page stays online during the weekend. While the back-end is already up-to-date, on the front-end part you might see some hiccups like fields that are not correctly displayed in that time.

“Credited as” field added

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You can now specify if a person was credited under a different name than their “official” stage name. To do so, simply use the newly created “Credited as” field when adding cast members.

Consult the Wiki for more info.

New fields added: Height and Tagline

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Two new fields have been added to the OFDb: Height for the Person content type and Tagline for the TV show and Movie content types.

The first field is simply the height of a person in centimeters, and the tagline is a short text for marketing purposes frequently used in the entertainment industry.

Consult the Wiki to find out more about each field:

Why the ODbL?

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There are many film and movie databases probably with the IMDb being the widest known one. Many of them, the IMDb included, license their content under a proprietary license. This means that you are highly restrictive to use their content/data. You might not be allowed to share some of their data about your favourite movie on your personal website, for example. Or you must use the provided API, where you are dictated the terms, whether you like them or not. And if there are changes made, you simply have to accept… » read more

Drupal theme version 1.0.0 released

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Even though not really noticeable while browsing the website itself, it’s still noteworthy: the new version of the OFDb’s Drupal theme is finally released as the version 1.0.0. All features and functions currently in use are properly themed (back- and front-end), hence the decision.

If you have any feedback or found a bug, you can use the bug tracker in the git repository.

Cast and crew implemented

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It took a couple of months of development (in my spare time, tough), but finally an important feature is complete: the possibility to add cast and crew to movies and episodes. No serious film database is complete without this feature!

I haven’t added the documentation of how to do so to the wiki just yet, but you can already add your favourite actors and crew members to the movies and TV shows you love.

There are still plenty of ideas on how to improve the OFDb, but I haven’t decided where to start just… » read more

The OFDb is completely “drupalified”

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About three month ago I announced that I’m moving from a decoupled solution to a Drupal only website. Today I can proudly say that the task is done!

If you see any bugs or inconveniences, please use the issue queue and let me know.

I’m still undecided whether I want to implement this blog and the Wiki in the existing Drupal installation as well. We’ll see about that. However, if I decide to do so, this wouldn’t… » read more

Happy Open Data Day 2023

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Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world.

I’m convinced that open data is of major importance to the internet and humanity as a whole. It transfers the power from individuals and corporations to the public. Imagine if a major movie site like IMDb or TheMovieDB closes down. The data would simply be lost and there is nothing you can do about it.

In addition, you, as a user, are obliged to follow any… » read more

Reworking the front-end

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As of now, the OFDb uses a decoupled Drupal setup, meaning that users and content is managed by Drupal, while the front-end “connects” to it in order to fetch and display the content. This provides a high amount of flexibility.

However, I decided to completely rewrite the front-end and implement it with Drupal as well. This has mainly two reasons:

  1. I chose to create a decoupled instance as a personal learning project to boost my JavaScript and decoupled… » read more